Each lover’s vice

Your song is a sad song, listened to on days,
When people are crying, and children asleep.
All out of time, with misguided beats,
That hushes a crowd whenever it plays.
With its out of time words, and its young, naïve ways,
And the deep, breathy voice of heart gone to ice.
As this cold, broken tune makes each lover’s vice.
And makes you fall in love with each sunken gaze.

Published by

Rivika Arya

My name is Rivika Arya and I created this site to share my poetry and inspire anyone who wants to write their own poems!

2 thoughts on “Each lover’s vice”

  1. Love the poem though some parts are confusing to me. The poem brings the deep meaning of a lover’s vice but then I did not get the context of children asleep in regard to the rest

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