an MMA fighter

 At 6 years old, an MMA fighter,
 Not acquaintance to a single dull thought.
 At 5 she made friends with the bright pink prodigy
 And always loved the escapes she brought.
 Inside her mind, a communist city,
 In which she earns love for her talent and wit,
 She grins as she thinks of their tiny heads cheering,
 The game show winner that’ll never quit.
 She sees opportunity, where one sees legacy,
 Her mind can translate her wants to success.
 With tongues on the ends of her finger-tips,
 Her purple-walled city is never a mess.
 Forward to 20, an MMA watcher,
 She finds her escape in glaring blue screens.
 At 12 she stopped talking to the bright pink prodigy,
 She’s surrounded by human machines.

 Inspired by TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet, Eddy Zhong, 'How School Makes Kids Less  

Published by

Rivika Arya

My name is Rivika Arya and I created this site to share my poetry and inspire anyone who wants to write their own poems!

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